suddenly example sentences

Related (2): Abruptly, unexpectedly

" suddenly" Example Sentences

1. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise and jumped out of my chair.
2. When I turned the corner, I suddenly saw a beautiful sunset.
3. He was walking down the street when he suddenly collapsed.
4. I was peacefully sleeping when I suddenly woke up to a loud thunderstorm.
5. As I was cooking dinner, the fire suddenly went out.
6. Suddenly, the car in front of me slammed on its brakes.
7. We were hiking in the woods and suddenly heard a scary noise.
8. The concert was going well until suddenly the power went out.
9. The plane was flying smoothly until suddenly it hit turbulence.
10. She was happily reading a book when suddenly the power went out.
11. We were having a conversation when suddenly he changed the subject.
12. As she was walking down the street, she suddenly saw her ex-boyfriend.
13. The cat was sitting still when suddenly it pounced on its prey.
14. Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked a stranger.
15. The team was winning until suddenly they made a crucial mistake.
16. Everything was quiet until suddenly a gust of wind blew through the room.
17. As he was driving down the highway, his tire suddenly blew out.
18. She was enjoying the party when suddenly the music stopped.
19. Suddenly, the weather turned and it started raining heavily.
20. They were having a picnic when suddenly a family of ducks appeared.
21. The movie was good until suddenly it took a strange turn in the plot.
22. He was playing soccer when suddenly he sprained his ankle.
23. They were walking in the park when suddenly it started snowing.
24. The baby was sleeping peacefully when suddenly it started crying.
25. Suddenly, the car started making weird noises and broke down.
26. As I was about to leave the house, I suddenly realized my keys were missing.
27. They were having a conversation when suddenly the fire alarm went off.
28. The teacher was explaining a concept when suddenly the bell rang.
29. She was dancing when suddenly the music skipped and skipped again.
30. Suddenly, the ground shook and everyone felt an earthquake.

Common Phases

1. Suddenly, the lights went out; plunging the room into darkness.
2. Suddenly, a high-pitched scream pierced the air; causing everyone to freeze.
3. Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up; scattering the leaves across the yard.
4. Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the house; making everyone jump.
5. Suddenly, a car screeched to a halt; narrowly avoiding a collision.
6. Suddenly, the phone rang; causing everyone to stop what they were doing.
7. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck nearby; illuminating the whole sky.
8. Suddenly, a loud explosion shook the ground; making buildings tremble.
9. Suddenly, a flock of birds took flight; filling the sky with movement.
10. Suddenly, a strong odor filled the room; making everyone gag.

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